COME, SEE & BE the CHANGE (C-S-B-C) Mission
2. Went to AKKR Boys' School and had a class for the students of 10 th class. Asked the students to come as a small team to the front (3-4 in numbers) and they have to ask the audience a question using any of the twelve combinations which were:
1. am/is/are
2. was/were
3. do/does/did
4. will/can
5. have/has
The questions were about topics like favourite subject, game, dish, actor, place, state, country, person, book, movie, job, brand, TV show etc.
3. Went to TTC Institute: The class was as described above for the students of TTC or Diploma in Education.
4. Went to BEM Girls' school and had a class for the students of 12 th class (Humanities batch). The class was as described above.
5. Went to AKKR Girls' School and had a class for the students of 10 th class. Asked the students to come as a small team to the front (3-4 in numbers) and they have to ask the audience questions given on a sheet of paper which were as given below:
1. Are you healthy ?
2. Were you on leave ?
3. Will you be free in the evening ?
4. Have you ever been a class leader ?
5. Do you have brothers ?
6. Did you have a class yesterday ?
7. Will you have any programs tomorrow ?
8. Are there a lot of students here ?
9. Was there a class yesterday ?
10. Will there be a holiday tomorrow ?
11. Do you wake up early ?
12. Do you like flowers ?
13. Are you reading a book ?
14. Are you attending any class today ?
15. Have you seen my new text book ?
16. Have you been waiting for me ?
17. Did you study well ?
18. Were you reading a book ?
19. Will you help me ?
20. Will you be riding a cycle today ?
21. Are you given books to read ?
22. Are you known by your first name ?
23. Are you being taught English ?
24. Are you being taught computers today ?
25. Have you been vaccinated ?
26. Were you served food in the morning ?
27. Were you being taught Maths just now ?
28. Will you be taken for a tour this year ?
29. Can I wait here ?
30. Could I wait here ?
31. May I wait here ?
32. Shall I wait here ?
33. Should I wait here ?
34. Must I wait here ?
35. Do I need to wait here ?
36. Do I ought to come tomorrow ?
37. Do I have to come here ?
38. Did you use to play Football ?
39. Would you like to wait here ?
40. I might come tomorrow.
Also while talking to the students introduced English as a tool rather than a mere language; a tool which can increase your chances of survival, success and happiness. And therefore having/owning a tool is not enough, we need to know how to use it skillfully, ie., we need to master it. When we learn to do it, we change our status and our possessions also change. We change our habits and attitudes. Our story changes its course. It has more twists and turns making life more adventurous and thrilling.
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