Dear Ramesh
How are you? How’s your family? It has been a long time since we had an
interaction. So I thought of writing a mail which can make up for all the time
that has passed since we last shared our feelings and thoughts.
You would be eager to know how our state Kerala has changed in the last
quarter century. Yes, there have been enormous changes – in all walks of life.
Let’s us observe all the major ones, one by one.
Lifestyle has improved a lot in Kerala, almost on par with the developed
societies especially houses and other facilities. Food consumption has increased. The sedentary
life style has also led to a rise in lifestyle diseases.
Communication tools like mobile phones, Internet, computers and laptops have
become very common. But this has lessened the old custom of face to face
communication. Also a lot of abuse and misuse of modern communication have taken
Health sector has developed. A lot of hospitals with hi-tech facilities
have come up. People from other countries also visit our state for health
Environment has suffered because of pollution and deforestation. The
summers have become hotter and rainfall has reduced affecting crops.
Food habits have changed. We eat more and work less. Home-made food has
been replaced by fast food and bakery items.
Financial condition of NRI’s, employees has improved but those doing
manual jobs and daily wage workers are not secure financially.
Politics has moved away from people. It has become more party based,
caste based etc.
Sports in Kerala has become more diversified with people pursuing games
like Cricket, Hockey etc.
Gender roles have become more flexible. Female population is more active
and taking interest in all types of activities previously taken up by males.
Equality is the buzzword nowadays.
Social issues like stray dog issue, women’s security and pollution are
worrying us.
Law and order is many times threatened by incidents of ragging, cyber
crimes, drug abuse, child abuse and crimes against women.
Education has undergone a vast change in curriculum design and delivery.
But the abilities acquired by students are still not satisfactory enough. Although
more and more students are getting educated with Information Technology (IT)
and better infrastructural facilities, the quality has to improve further for
getting better jobs. But the silver lining is that the female population has
become more educated than the male population. Besides this, the privatization
of education has led to more number of professional colleges which has further
reduced the quality of education.
Jobs and employment sector especially in technical jobs like welding,
carpentry etc. need more care and attention. Govt. and private sector should be
able to employ the technicians with better salaries.
Cast mindset of Keralites is still strong which restricts them from overcoming
caste barriers. But it must be said that the backward castes have become
stronger socially and financially with the reservation and other affirmative
policies of the state.
Development is happening at a very fast pace in many sectors mainly in
areas like construction, technology etc.
Family life has in many ways disintegrated with the advent of nuclear
families, new gadgets like mobiles, smart phones, TV etc. Elderly people in
families have become isolated and neglected because of fast and busy life of
young generations.
Roads have been built throughout Kerala reaching even remote areas of
rural areas resulting in high land prices all over giving a big boost to the
real estate sector.
Culture has undergone a sea change in Kerala as lives have become fast
and busy. People think more of their rights than duties. Life skills,
traditional values and social ethics have eroded.
Media has helped in making NEWS, entertainment. Sports accessible to us
24X7 anywhere and anytime.
A healthy entertainment is missing
in the lives of many people in our society. This results in stress and strain
in relationships and personal lives.
Religion has been very a dominating force in society in the last few
decades. People are showing more passion in using religious symbols and
observing rituals.
Travelling and transportation has become more user-friendly and
pleasurable. But the roads have become too much crowded with two wheelers and
cars. Driving has empowered females and given them wings to realize their
aspirations. Visiting distant places has become a family hobby.
Consumerism has been defining our habits and happiness in many ways.
Success is nowadays measured in terms of how much a person has been able to buy
and acquire and not by his virtues in character.
With this, I conclude my observations about Kerala. Hope you have enjoyed
reading it.
Your ever-loving friend
Raj Thekkayil
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