Thursday, January 30, 2025


Saturday, October 5, 2024


Read the speech into the phone and while reading also fill in the gaps with the right prepositions.

Life of Mahesh


Mr. Mahesh runs a stationery shop ___1___ the heart of Kozhikode city. He is very simple and honest. He always talks __2____ how a person should lead his life; as a service ___3__humanity. He is very religious and believes ___4__ the goodness of all beings. That's his way __5___ serving God. He is very much open ___6__ conversations and one can discuss anything __7___ him especially any issue which is heartbreaking or troubling the mind. One wonders how in spite of being __8__ work always, overseeing vehicles flying two and fro, his mind is always __9__ rest, never restless or running after the things that matter ___10___ most of us.

He lives with his parents and is single __11___ forty. At home he spends his time __12___ the kids __13___ his family, his brother's children.

Check your answers by clicking here.

Thursday, October 3, 2024







Date of starting the batch: 7th Oct 2024

No. of students: 7

7th Oct, Mon: In the first class, we introduced ourselves. Then we shared with others, the purpose of our doing the course.

9th Oct, Tues: In the second class, we did an extended self introduction that included the answers to questions that were asked to us by our co-participants, about our hobbies, interests, family, job, native place etc.

11th Oct, Wed: In the third class, we talked about our present place of living, the people and what type of things there make our lives interesting and happy.

14 th Oct, Mon : In the 4th class, we discussed some common mistakes in our speeches, then we were asked to speak about our native place for a minute.

16 th Oct, Wed : In the 5th class, we shared our experiences while doing the PREPOSITION exercise; also the trainer gave us a chance to speak about our reading habits. 

18 th Oct, Fri : In the 6th class, we gave a speech about a book that we have been reading; we also asked questions to each other about the books being read  by us.

21 st Oct, Mon : In the 7th class, we gave a speech about a book that we have been reading; we also asked questions to each other about the books being read  by us.

23 rd, Oct, Wed : In the 8th class, we talked about our favorite English songs like "I have a dream" by Abba and "Earth song" by Michael Jackson. We learnt about the importance of voice modulation techniques in singing as well as speaking.

25 th Oct, Mon : In the 9th class, we talked and also asked questions about the types of songs we like in Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil etc. We talked about our favorite songs/singers/music composers/actors/movies/lyricists/poets etc.

28 th Oct, Mon : In the 10th class, we talked about our favorite song and then asked questions to each other.

30 th Oct, Wed : In the 11th class, we talked about our memories connected with a festival.

1st Nov, Fri : In the 12th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about an imaginary place we are at present.

4th Nov, Mon : In the 13th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about an imaginary profession we are now into.

6th Nov, Wed: In the 14th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about an imaginary possession we have.

8th Nov, Fri : In the 15th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about an imaginary reality we would like to share about ourselves.

11th Nov, Mon : In the 16th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about our course till now.

13th Nov, Wed : In the 17th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about a habit/ an interesting activity done everyday.

15th Nov, Fri : In the 18th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about meeting a celebrity.

18th Nov, Mon : In the 19th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about going to a beautiful place next year.

20th Nov, Wed : In the 20th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about inviting others to a family function.

22th Nov, Fri : In the 21st class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about a shop that sells something.

25th Nov, Mon : In the 22nd class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about a dish that we had prepared.

27th Nov, Wed : In the 23rd class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about our opinion on the TV serials.

29th Nov, Fri : In the 24rd class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about our opinion on "Reading Culture".

2nd Dec, Mon: In the 25rd class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about our opinion on "Life in the Past vs Life in the Present".

4th Dec, Wed : In the 26th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about our opinion on "Will AI lead to job losses in future".

6th Dec, Fri : In the 27th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about our opinion on "Lavish weddings to Simple ones".

9th Dec, Mon : In the 28th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about our opinion on "NRIs settling abroad".

11th Dec, Wed : In the 29th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about our opinion on "Importance of English in India".

13th Dec, Fri : In the 30th class, we talked (and also asked questions to each other) about our experiences while doing the "Speak Up English Course".


Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Started on 19 th June, 2024

No. of students: 4


1)19 th June: Wed - Self Intro.
2)21 st Fri: My Fav Things
3)24 th: Mon - Family
4)26 th: Wed - Education
5)28 th: Fri - Career
6)1st July: Mon - Native Place
7)3rd : Wed - Kerala Past Present Future....a discussion.
8)5th Fri - A good place visited and also solutions for the betterment of Kerala
9)8 th Mon -Talking about a person who influenced/inspired you.
10)10th Wed - Talking about an important event from history.
11)12th Fri - A debate on Pros and Cons of "Kerala Model"
12) 16th Mon - A conversation on an incident from your life that had an impression on you.
13) 18th Wed - A discussion on "Waste management and Kerala".
14) 20th Fri - A debate on "Can Technology help in Social Empowerment?"
15) 22th Mon - A conversation on "A work of art (a novel/movie/drama) that influenced you".
16) 24th Wed - Discussion on India and its the next 5 years.
17) 26th Fri- Debate on" Has human communication improved with new technology?
18) 29th Mon- Conversation on "The Importance of Sports."
19) 31st Wed - Discussion on Wayanad tragedy.
20) 2nd Fri - A debate "Can we change our destiny" in the wake of natural disasters owing to climate change and human interventions.
21) 5th Mon - A conversation on popular/ favourite leaders.
22) 7th Wed - A discussion on Media
23) 9th Fri - A debate on What sells now in movies - content or Star power, focussing on Malayalam movies.l
24) 13 th Tues - A discussion on Education system and how to make it better.
25) 15 th Thurs - A debate on Do film awards carry weight nowdays?
26) 17 th Sat - A conversation on "The Future of Kerala"
27 - 28) 21st Wed - A conversation on a fav. role in your life plus a discussion on "Should selfie culture be encouraged?"
29 - 30) 23 rd Fri Feedback sharing session.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024


1 st Week: 13 th Mon Jan 2025: Students introduced themselves, in the next class HOBBY TALK, talking about their hobbies; then PLACE talk, talking about the place where they live.

2nd Week: 20 th Mon Jan 2025: Favourite Song Talk and conversation; 2 classes; Talk about BOOKS and MOVIES.

3rd Week:  27 Mon 2025: Talk about a memorable movie character; Talk about a common person in our place; Talk about an interesting place visited by us.

4th Week: 3 Mon Feb 2025: Talk about a dish;