Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Image result for an idea whose time has come
Don't believe in other people's feedback till you experience it yourself....the simplicity of learning and enjoying EC with "Think in English".

This blog is an attempt to learn and enjoy English language from the scratch.

A complete blog for students, teachers, trainers and thinkers in English.

A mantra to English.

From Grammar-Oriented to Sentence Oriented...from Text-Oriented to Thoughts oriented...from Books-Oriented to Life Oriented...from Subject-Oriented to Skill Oriented...

SOUL (Sentence-Oriented-Understanding of Language)

The Khul-Ja-Simsim of English Language Learning.

Now there is nothing between you and the easy way to Think/Speak/Learn English language.

Learn and live EC(EC- English Communication).

This blog is to make our students good users of English sentences on a daily basis so that they become "natural" users of becomes their nature to use English. So it helps students to graduate...from "I am learning English" to "I am using English.

"It is difficult to learn English...English is a difficult language...Nobody helps me in learning English....." If you say this again even after browsing this blog...then you are JUST JOKING....YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS ABOUT LEARNING ENGLISH...YOU DON'T SEE THINGS IN THE RIGHT stay grounded and keep will win.

Think of English as a Tool to Survive, Succeed and Soar high in life.

BELL(Blog for English Language Learning)ing the EC(English Communication) cat...

The school to bank on.

Engaging...Understanding...Exploring like a friend to THINK in English

THINK in ENGLISH blog, to understand our natural ability to THINK in English

 A vehicle for your "Think in English" dreams. i too can think in English...thanks to "Think in English" blog.

Anybody can... think in English with this blog...just really works.

To express your true " self " in have to Think in English.

Teachers don't teach English in our schools. Rather what they do is they teach English grammar, English text and also how to write answers to questions asked in their texts. Students don't learn how useful English is or what they can do with their English know-how. Children are taught how much unnecessary English is in their real life and that learning English only means that you can score marks in English exams. We should actually make the students realize how much they can make things (and life) easy (and comfortable) with their use of English. English can do wonders/miracles in their life (and world). This blog can give some new thoughts to people.

This is more than a's actually a user manual to "Think in English"

Let's discover the power of our thoughts in English...Here and Now. 

This blog is a complete school of thought in learning/training/thinking in English.

From now onwards let's rename BA as Bachelor of Ability to Think in English and MA as Master of Ability to Think in English. Learning English in schools has to have a goal, a useful purpose  in life. It should not be about mugging text books, teacher-centric lectures and marks in exams. It should be about a skill/vidya.

This blog is all about "Exploring the Power of THOUGHTS in ENGLISH"

It's a celebration of life with EC...a thought fest...a thought-utsav.

A journey into the heart of EC to find its soul and be in oneness(in love) forever...

We have always tried to learn English language as though it exists outside of ourselves. Now let's give our "selves" a chance. This blog is all about thinking about ourselves in English. So it's all about thinking; ourselves; and English as a language, an expression of thought. But our dream should be more than "Think in English". It should be as high as "I am English in action". Why not ? We become what we think.  Don't we?

“Think in English” is more than a blog/book/banner. It’s an idea whose time has come. Think in English world citizens and tell the world who you are

Not "Spoken English", it's time now to "THINK in ENGLISH" for better English Communication(EC)....because your thoughts need the power of English Communication(EC).

Every citizen desires to improve their EC(English Communication) skills.The EC revolution is ON...Anybody can think/speak/write in English language if shown the right way. This is the purpose of this blog.

This blog can change someone's life, his/her attitude towards EC(English and Communication). And they will be grateful to you for sharing the useful info.

Its a small world of new ideas...a new world of small ideas.

It's learning English Communication Literature that matters in life, not English literature.

In schools/colleges what is taught: "How to write in English"
In Spoken English Institutes what is taught: "How to speak in English"
In "THINKinENGLISH blog" what is learnt: "How to think in English"

If you have a WILL, and a VISION, then there are WAYS, a million. This blogs aims at providing the students/youth/learners/people a complete road map to develop their EC skills.

This blog tries to redefine English learning as GAMES - the Great Art of Making English Sentences. English Communication is made as interesting/exciting/fun filled/fulfilling as playing games.

EC is made to look like LIFE itself, here. It is Logical, Interesting, Funny, Endless(LIFE).

The blog stresses on the use of SID(Speech-Interaction-Discussion) method in classroom to empower children/students/participants/people with EC skills.

"Think in English" is an idea which inspired a blog and a book...but this is just a beginning. It has to translate into action...making students good at: giving speeches, interacting with global audiences, participating in group discussions, carrying a conversation etc. This idea has to prove its utility. Time alone can judge its usefulness. So let's wait and watch.

Don’t stop yourself from “Thinking in English” and discovering a new world of opportunities, success and happiness. Let’s celebrate EC with lots of Speeches, Interactions and Discussions.
A continuing and easy package for learning and practicing EC

This blog is specially designed for those who would like to learn English Communication(EC) in a new way and not in the conventional style followed in schools/colleges/other institutes. It has a learner centered style where the knowledge of English Communication is aimed at personal/professional/career development. The rules of EC are  is given in an easy, simple and natural way without putting any stress or strain on the learners’ minds. In short, reading this blog will surely be an enjoyable, engaging and empowering experience for all.

"A space  for those who believe in the power of communication - English Communication - all types of communication"  

CAN you...
use a mobile phone?...Yes
read English?...Yes
participate in an English conversation/discussion?...No?
Then this is what this blog will help you to do.

The real aim of this blog is not only to help you become a good English speaker/writer or communicator but also to empower, enrich and engage the mind with new ideas, expressions and powerful/meaningful/beautiful qualities inbuilt in EC, helping you to think better, interact better and transform your realm of thoughts and personality.
Join the EC Blog revolution...this wave is unstoppable...


Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Image result for objects in a room1. Asked the students to form groups and each group has to say five sentences about an object seen in the room like say chair, fan etc.....taking a third person perspective. For eg., It is a fan, it has three blades...

2. Asked the students to form groups and each group has to say give a speech sharing a few thoughts of an object in the room.....taking a first person perspective. For eg., I am a fan, I have three blades.


Sunday, April 1, 2018


Image result for present

1. I am a student of CREST.
2. I have classes daily.
3. I come here in the morning.
4. There are 40 students in my batch.
5. I like discussions in class.
6. I am attending a Think in English(TE) class now.
7. After this class, I am going to have lunch.
8. I have got three TE classes till now.
9. I have been staying in Calicut for a week now.
10. I have been here since Dec 1st.


1. I was a student of in TKM College last year.
2. I was doing my MSc. in Physics last year.
3. I completed my course in October.
4. I had six subjects in my course.
5. There were thirty students in our batch.


1. In 2018, I will join the IAS academy in Trivandrum.
2. I will be preparing for IAS in 2018.
3. I will be busy with my studies in 2018.
4. I will have classes daily.
5. There will be a lot of seminars and workshops also.

So we have learnt till now 20(10+5+5) sentences in English...This makes half of our English Sentence Pattern.


I have an English class today.

What do you want to learn there?
I want to learn to use English.
You mean, you want to learn to use English language or "English" which means the culture of England.
I want to learn English language, not English.
Do you know what is English language made of...I mean what is the most important thing in English language?
No...guess again. It is the sentences in English. how can I learn the sentences in English ?
For that you need to understand the pattern of sentences in English ie., the English Sentence Pattern (ESP)
What should I do to learn ESP?
Be conscious of the right pattern of sentences in English.
And then....
Learn to do it in a sub-conscious using it often whenever you get a chance and if you don't get a chance to use English sentences then look for and even create chances on your own...once you master the logic of English sentences sub-consciously, you are on the right track.
Image result for trackThanks for showing me the right track.

1. ELT class is attended by me.
2. ELT class is liked by me.
3. ELT class is being attended by me now.
4. ELT class is being attended by me tomorrow.
5. ELT class has been attended by me.
6. ELT class was attended by me yesterday.
7. ELT class was being attended by me in the afternoon.
8. ELT class will be attended by me.
(ELT - English language in Thoughts)


1. Can you attend the class?
2. Could you please attend the class?
3. May I attend the class?
4. I might attend the class.
5. Shall I attend the class?
6. Should I attend the class?
7. Must I attend the class?
8. Would you like to attend the class?
9. Do I have to attend the class?
10. Do I need to attend the class?
11. Do I ought to attend the class?
12. Did you use to attend the class?

With this, we have learnt all the basic 40(20+20) sentence structures in English...This makes our basic knowledge of English Sentence Pattern(ESP) complete.


I. Asked the participants to do: MES(Making English Sentences) EXERCISES
1. Guess the ACTOR exercise...Learning to make sentences to describe a person.
2. Guess the PLACE exercise....Learning to make sentences to describe a place.
3. Guess the DISH exercise....Learning to make sentences to describe a dish.
4. Guess the MOVIE exercise....Learning to make sentences to describe an emotional incident.

II. Asked the participants to do: CONVERSATIONAL EXERCISES

1. A day in the life of a celebrity...Learning to do an imaginary conversation with a celebrity as the main character. 

2. Newspaper based exercise...Learning to do a real conversation based on a newspaper report.

III. SID (Speech-Interaction-Discussion) Exercise

Asked the student groups to:  
1. Select a topic 
2. Give a speech
3. Interact with the audience by inviting questions
4. Discuss by asking the audience whether they agree with their solution/suggestion related to the issue being discussed. The team should write the solution/suggestion on the board.

The topics given were:
1. Political Violence
2. Movies
3. Summer Heat
4. Gender Equality
5. Corruption in Institutions
6. Poverty Deaths
7. Social Media 
8. Fear of Exams

While talking about these issues they had to follow some rules like:
All the statements should be related to the society they were living in.Give enough space to your own experience in that subject. Talk about personal experiences if you can, connected with the issue. As far as possible don't generalize. Talk about specific details. Make your speech rich in ideas and ideals.


1. ENTERTAINING TOPIC INTRO Ex :Asked the student groups to introduce a new topic(for eg. Electric Cars) to the audience in an entertaining /engaging manner using creative communication techniques like Skits, Role Plays, Team Speeches, Conversational dramas etc...can be followed by Interaction and Discussion.

2. LIFE STORY Ex. : Asked the teams to do a Role play based on the best life story of a team member and then the audience has to guess who is that team member...can be followed by Interaction and Discussion.

3. WHAT IT TEACHES ME Ex. : Asked the teams to speak to the audience about an object in the classroom that teaches you something about life or about yourself or society and then the audience has to guess which is that object...can be followed by Interaction and Discussion.

4. IKIGAI Ex.: Asked the students to present a role-play where a eminent person shares his social mission with people and also how did he : follow his passion / pursue his profession and then find a mission to empower the people around him, his contributions to social well-being and change.

5. NO PAIN, NO GAIN Ex. : Asked the students to enact a situation that happened in their life where they had to take a tough decision regarding their future course of action and how did they succeed in making the right choice.

6. SHARING A FUNNY EXPERIENCE Ex. : Asked the students to talk about an experience from their life which was funny because it surprised them / made them feel like a fool / was silly, without any result / it lacked sense/ was an insult / something went wrong / it made people laugh.  


In this exercise you think/speak about a person whom you have met and :
a. Who made a striking first impression on you.
b. Then there were a few interactions which helped you understand him/her better.
c. Then talk about the impressions about that person which are lasting ones, stable and steady.


In this exercise the students, using a role-play, show a relationship that has some colours of a good friendship. For example:
a. Being non-judgmental.
b. Without comparisons
c. Help rendered without any formal request
d. Space for expressions rather than expectations
e. Ideas and thoughts instead of too much Questions 
f. Showing care over career and other aspects.
g. Conversations rather than explanations.


In this exercise students talk about an experience from their life when they were misunderstood by someone or they misunderstood somebody and because of this misunderstanding in communication the relationship came to a standstill, making you/others feel sad/anxious/bitter/angry/ashamed/silly/stupid and then how did you try to mend the bridges.


In this exercise the students performed a role play which showed communication in a situation before/after an scientific invention was made for eg. telephone, radio, TV, mobile, Internet, Social Networking etc. Also they gave a speech and interacted with the audience about a popular brand that revolutionised an industry for eg. Nokia, Samsung, Facebook, WhatsUp, Google, IPhone, Philips etc.


In this exercise asked the students to come to the front as a four member team and then: 
a. One of them will give a topic to the three members.
b. The person on the left/right will share a thought and then give a chance to the next person.
c. Then the person in the center will give a speech connecting both the ideas/thoughts.


In this exercise the students in groups come and present a role play on: 
a. how they challanged old rules/customs/practices in society
b. how was the experience
c. were they successful 
d. whether people understood their point of view.


In this exercise students speak about a situation when/where they felt they were imperfect ie ., lacked understanding, skill, knowledge, aptitude, temperament, experience, background, competence and how they helped themselves by pushing the boundaries and redefining themselves in the process.


Asked the students to do a role-play highlighting a particular pattern in behavior,communication,thinking or action with regard to men/women. 


Monday, December 11, 2017


Image result for songLearning Learning Learning - I am Learning.
Winning Winning Winning - I am Winning. 

I am born to Learn!
I am born to Win!
I know how to make things look NICE

Learning Learning Learning - I am Learning.
Winning Winning Winning - I am Winning. 

What makes things EASY
What makes things DIFFICULT
It's all about thoughts you love.
It's all about time you spend.

Learning Learning Learning - I am Learning.
Winning Winning Winning - I am Winning. 

Come to me I'll help you WIN
Come to me I'll make you STRONG

I know what to THINK
I know what to DO

Learning Learning Learning - I am Learning.
Winning Winning Winning - I am Winning. 



Image result for interesting moviesAsked the students to debate " Which is more interesting : Old movies or New movies and Why? " 
Also give examples and reasons to support your opinion.