Sunday, November 2, 2014

EC Rightly Wrong

It has always been an interesting thing to note that in our society admitting a mistake is worse than committing a sin/crime; or how else would you explain that no leader of any political party/group/organisation ever says that at least one thing he/she could have done differently while being in the position of power. It's almost a miracle to see a man/woman in our society having the courage to admit mistakes, revealing weaknesses in his/her character and asking for a feedback. This over indulgence with always being Right has made us lead a stressful life. We are forced to wear a mask of  the "Always Right" personality in this "I am never wrong" world. This is a "stuck in a rut" situation for the person which stops evolution of any kind and also puts the man/woman in a situation of helplessness as he/she is afraid of making mistakes and blamed by others. So the first step can be accepting ourselves as we are and living a life where losing/quitting is a step in the right direction...towards change...towards progress...towards happiness...towards being wise than Mr/Miss Always Right.


Saturday, November 1, 2014

EC Culture

In the name of culture, is it right to impose a patriarchal values on the modern, knowledge based 21st century society is a question which every citizen should ask at this point in time. In a macho world the defining values have always been speed, survival and succeeding to the next level at any cost. A lot of human values like compassion, kindness, forgiveness, benevolence, sharing etc. have been compromised in this mad race for getting "success". But it is a good sign that some of the human values like cleanliness, respect for all genders, non-violence, honesty, conversational temperament, empowering the weaker sections, respecting the old, education without punishment are being endorsed. Let us work towards a model of success where people are happy and free to discover their true "selves".  


EC Announcements

A course to train people in TV/Program Anchoring at CANVAS Institute at Mankavu Bypass; Land Phone: 0495 2333 338 ; Mobile: 999 5801 338
Highlights of the course: Classes by Mrs. Rekha Menon and reputed Professionals/Trainers.


Friday, October 31, 2014


In this game the a team member gives a one minute speech about a celebrity/ a person from the class. He/she can also be chosen by the opposite team and in this speech the person should be addressed as he or she ie., it should be an anonymous speech. After the speech (having around 5-6 sentences) the other team has to guess the mysterious person's name.



In this game first of all, the two teams come face to face before the class. They should then select a topic for the debate.
Some of the topics that can be used here:

Hostel Life - Home Life

City Life - Village Life
Love Marriage - Arranged Marriage  
Western Culture - Indian Culture
Vegetarianism - Non Vegetarianism
Joint Family - Nuclear Family
In this debate first a team takes a stand(supports an option) and makes a group speech. After this speech lasting for a minute, the other team asks questions regarding the logic of arguments favouring that particular idea. Points are given to the two teams depending upon the rationality/logical sense of their arguments.
On the second day the teams are merged and they discuss how they can have a win-win situation wherein one can have the best of both or how to create the best alternative incorporating the best qualities of both the options.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

EC Big Hearts

Let's care to share for our fellow beings who are in need:Click here for TRACKS WE LEAVE


In this EC exercise the participants talked about a tradition which existed in the past, a ritual/habit/custom followed by people which can also be observed by the present society for a better, happy and enlightened life in today's times. For eg., planting saplings once in a month, minimizing plastics/non bio-degradable/unhealthy products in our daily life.