Tuesday, September 9, 2014


For happiness let's connect ourselves with our "always happy self" 
Happiness is a state of mind when you are detached from your actions and in-actions; possessions and dis-possessions; states and non-states; realities and illusions. Like a flower of lotus you are slightly above what is happening (and not happening) in this world. Just being in the present moment becomes the reason for your living.
A Sun just exists a Sun. Giving heat and light is its natural way of being a Sun. Similarly giving warmth and light is a Moon's natural way of being a Moon. So are the flowers, trees and rivers. And so are the things in the universe. They all just BE what they truly are.

This doesn't mean that action is not important. This actually means that action is a natural way of expressing your beingness. We human beings just have to be ourselves. We don't have to be doctors, engineers, officers, ministers, professionals. Just being our true selves is living. All the unhappiness results when we force ourselves into doing things which are not an expression of our true state of mind. Coming back to our true state of mind is happiness...Sat(True), Chit(State of Mind), Anand(Happiness) is all about regaining ourselves. 

PS: Once a great man was asked,"What should a person do to be of service to others?"
The great man replied, "Just be happy. Don't do things for happiness. Do things happily."


Monday, September 1, 2014

EC Phrases

...how the life of human beings are actually worthless in the grand scheme of things.

From The Hindu...Friday Review...Sept 26th 2014


Thursday, July 31, 2014


Why do we have to use always this language of duality? We say things like speaker/listener, speech/applause, success/failure, action/result, player/game, I/you(universe), music/singer, ie., the subject and object are always thought of as two different entities. This detachment creates barriers to realise the best or the pursuit of excellence.
When someone says to his beloved, "I love you" the other person is like an object. When a doctor says, "I will treat you and cure you" again there is a subject and an object. Instead why can't the communication be in this manner: I am love (and that is because I am in love and you are the reason for this) and in the next case "I am the treatment/cure." Now see the change and how things change. The person becomes bigger than his actual self because of his more purposeful/holistic action. Such a person will always rise in love. Such a person will always rise in stature. He/she will become a magnet attracting all actions/resources/thoughts which will be in the best interest of his object. So instead of objectifying let's expand our self whenever the situation offers us such a chance. Instead of an external goal what we need is an internal world which encompasses that goal. The goal is in you and you are in the goal. This is oneness. And here there is no duality/distance. There is only pure love and acceptance.  



Are you spiritual?
Yes, I am. So are you. So are we all.
If I am spiritual, why don't I think so?
Your mind is not letting you to think so. But you are.
So it means...accepting that I am...that's the beginning.
Yes. Acceptance is the first step.
So after that what?
The second step is expanding your awareness...going beyond the mind.
But is it possible? Mind is so powerful.
Your awareness is more powerful.
But won't the mind resist?
It will. Very strongly. So there lies the third and final step...engage with it like a friend.
But how?
Do something which doesn't make the mind a mind.
I didn't get you there.
What does the mind normally do...it compares and calculates, judges and decides, attracts and discards, expects and fulfills...and I think all these qualities are important to survive and grow in this world. But what I am saying is know your mind and then go beyond it.
So that means....
Just be an observer of your mind...let thoughts come but don't put any label on them like good/bad/expectation. In other words, just don't mind.
Also focus on something in the beginning.Use the object of your focus like a tool/ a technique. The tool/technique can be a breath, a word, a song. Repeat this process consciously and you can go beyond your mind.
Suppose I go beyond the mind...how will be that experience?
It will be like connecting with the universe. Feeling the cosmos. Experiencing the endless.
But won't that be an overwhelming experience...can a normal being hold such an enlightening experience?
Yes you are right. That extraordinary experience will have to be channelised into something which is as spiritual as the experience itself.
That means..
You can share that experience with others if they understand or else use their way of understanding, their symbols, desires, their language of success and achievement. Use materialistic images to communicate that spiritual awakening.
Is there a spiritual connection in any great work of art/literature/medical/technological/scientific/engineering master pieces or pursuit of excellence in other disciplines like sports/dance/music/oratory/leadership etc.?
By connecting and disconnecting, engaging and disengaging with your spiritual/intellectual self at times can help you increase your awareness, concentration, motivation, engagement with the situation and help you in your pursuit of excellence. So discovering your spiritual nature will help you in the material world also and vice-versa ie., discovering material success can help you to understand the ways to do it spiritually too.
That brings me to the next question. Why is it so? How can material and spiritual success go together?
They can because one who can discover either of the two knows that he is in control of his mind. Without controlling/disciplining the mind both are just an illusion. So in a way you are using spiritual/material pursuits as a goal to understand your mind. Once a person knows himself/herself, spiritual or material doesn't matter at all. That awakening is all.


Thursday, July 17, 2014


During an informal chat session a professor who teaches English to college students got a chance to comment on a book on "Improving Communication Skills". The only suggestion that he was dying to offer was the word "PRACTICING" has to be changed to "PRACTISING" since in India we follow British English. When it was pointed out by someone that since MS Word always recommends the US version of English spelling and therefore PRACTICING is OK, he became adamant and finally succeeded in imposing British spelling rules on the "ready to please/always appeasing" Indian minds ie., the publisher reluctantly changed PRACTICING to PRACTISING in his final draft before giving it to print.

Long Live British Rule in India !!